Lets talk about this.

Youtube notifications suck, Twitch notifications are not much better. Discord is fine but I don't have faith it'll be good forever. Everything degrades with time. My goal with this blog is to build a place where I can easily communicate with you, the viewer.

Whats the goal?

If you subscribe you'll receive a weekly email. It will include a recap of streams and videos from the prior week. The newsletter will also include a list of planned videos with brief descriptions as well as the schedule for the following week.

If this grows.

Folks have been asking me for awhile to look for alternatives to Patreon. If this succeeds and proves to be a useful asset, this space will grow into a alternative for Patreon. Its a better option than Ko-Fi and other alternatives because its open source and I have full control. For now we'll start with the Free blog. But hopefully it'll grow into something more.