Its Monday!

The first small update. Lets get this blog started.

Its Monday!

This is my newsletter! YouTube notifications have been progressively degrading over the years. I want to keep stability in the long term and this is one of the ways I plan to do so. Subscribing to this blog will get you a weekly newsletter. It'll include the following weeks stream schedule and planned videos that I'm working on. Thumbnail previews and things and other behind the scenes peaks.

In the future I can expand this site and build in other types of content. From written previews of games I'm planning to cover to podcasts and eventually members only paid tiers. Kind of like Patreon, but better. On Patreon I have zero control over the whims of the platform. Here, I pay for hosting and build whatever I want into it. It gives me freedom and flexibility and that is a rare thing in the content industry.

The majority of what will be on here is rather unknown at this point. I know the basics but like any new endeavor I'm going to hold onto flexibility and do my best to provide what folks want on a platform like this.

For the Linux heads out there OBS has caused me a bit of a headache. The plugin I have been using to stream to Twitch/YouTube stopped working. My initial thought is that its a Linux issue, but shortly after I saw reports of the same problem on Windows. I than figured it must have been the OBS update but after checking the last update date and time it was in mid may and the plugin was working fine at that point. The only remaining culprit is YouTube changing something and breaking the plugin. After testing this weekend that seems to be the case. Now I'm waiting for the plugin to update.. Till that happens I am stuck using Restreamio and I'm not thrilled about it. At least it works and I'm paying them to make it work so at least I have some insurance.

Everything else OS wise has been a breeze. Stuff runs, when stuff does not Proton fixes it. When I am messing in Adventure mode I do have to move to proton because the native Linux version crashes a lot in Adventure mode due to a bug. Probably will be fixed sooner than later though so its a temporary issue.

Okay but like, this is a lot of extra work right?

Not really.

I've more or less been doing this on my own for awhile now. I started taking notes earlier this year and the result has been essentially prototyping a blog of sorts. Since I am already writing down a lot of what I do and plan to do its simply a matter of formatting into a public space.

The first video for the week is a bit ironic, Its a announcement talking about this site! Here is a link as it should go up along side of this blog.

The Monday plan is to upload a highlight of dropping the demonic fishbowl in Fireorb. It was a helluva fort and I had a great time constructing that thing out of glass.

My Wednesday video for the week is a look at the AmA that Kitfoxgames did about their new game Streets of Fortuna That'll go live at 9am Pacific time. The video for Thursday is a bit up in the air but likely a look at a demo from the next fest. Just trying to find one I like enough to record it. Maybe the new creeper world. I've also heard tell of a new patch this week so that'll get squished in when it happens.

Streams are currently on the summer schedule, We go live at 9am on Twitch and 10am on YouTube. Tuesday - Friday, All times are in Pacific.

Last weeks uploads.

The Stuff you might have missed.

This is a highlight of a rather insane moment from the near end of Fireorb.

I was super late on this one considering I uploaded it on the 12th and the Future of the Fort post went up on the 1st.. Sorry about that.

The most recent upload is covering the recently announced title from kitfoxgames Streets of Fortuna.

In the last 7 days my YouTube channel gained 77,895 views and 93 Subscribers. I also had a Short get 20k views over night for some black magic reason I'll never understand. The Twitch channel had an average view count of 153 and gained 35 followers. Its definitely summer and I'd like to see the averages go up a bit.