Monthly Stats

Since I missed last months post I would like catch up with a mega post covering both September and November. I hope to complete that with this post. This post will be split into two parts. The first half will cover October and the second will cover November. I'm also looking for ideas for other types of content you would like to see. I'm open to ideas here. These monthly posts are a neat idea but at the same time probably a bit niche. Maybe plant blogs? Leave a comment and let me know!
September had no major releases. Most of the month was a downward trend. This was the month following my video on the Cultists of Goretusk. The follow up being my 10 years of Cog. But that happened in October. The biggest video I released was my update on Linux. It did oddly well? It got recommended quite a lot after it had been up for 10 days. This means even though the video performed better then I had expected it took awhile to get going.

As you can see the linux video took off on the 2nd of October. It is strange how YouTube does this sometimes.

Since October is the main object of interest. This time of year is the good start of good ad revenue. You'll notice numbers go up significantly during October/November/December. This is due to Black Friday and the following holiday marketing season.

Cog's 10 years adventure started off a bit slow. The slowest start one of these videos has had. It does have the longest runtime of any of these videos so far. This means it actually did better in ad revenue then the other two. While the total is lower than my Godlytombs worst map video. The ad $ per view is significantly higher than any other video I have uploaded this year. I'm not entirely sure why this happened like this but it did. I am sure as hell not going to complain.
Similar to the Linux video it also took a bit to get going. It did eventually start picking up pace. It picked up at about the same time Dwarf Fortress had the weekend deal on steam. That makes me curious to see if that will be an ongoing trend.

This is some more stats for cog, The blue line is new viewers who have not seen my channel or any of my content before. You can tell where

The over all channel stats for the channel in October were up. Way above the month before.

Lets jump to November. October had a steady upward trend with a number of videos holding up well as the month went on. November was largely the opposite. It did have some video releases throughout but nothing major, aside from my video about Caves of Qud. Here is a link if you have not seen it.

I'm writing this on December 2nd. My story of the turtle mutant in Qud has heavily under-performed when compared to every other project of this type. I'll add a little context here. This video took 25 hours to edit and the thumbnail font was commissioned. The art cost 30$ usd, Since uploading this video it has made roughly $90 Canadian. Making it a financial failure currently. Stats wise it has not done well either. However, feedback from people who watched it has been really positive.

The main issue I have found in this video is that click through rate and recommendations have been really bad. The channel average click-through rate is currently 6.1% As you can see in the image below my video here only has 3.8% When the video initially released that number was as low as 1.6%

When I released the video it did okay in the first 48 hours. When compared to my DFnews and FoTF series. Yet when I compare it to the other "Movie" style videos it has been a flop. This could still change, Caves of Qud leaves Early Access on December 5th. There is a chance that could correlate in a boost of activity and give this video a push.

My hopes now rest on watch time. Its been good for the views its had. Comments have also been quite high. Fingers crossed.

All and all for some sort of conclusion on this project. I'm happy with the video itself, I am also happy with the feedback on it. I'm just hoping when I experiment with other games the audience follows me in the future rather than simply not noticing the video existed in the first place. Weather it is due to the fact that it is a different game or simply a thumbnail without a dwarf on it.
Let's jump to Twitch! It has been an odd two months. I took my vacation in the middle and than promptly got sick. Views are also grossly inflated due to my front page time on November 5th. Money is down partially due to my time off and the general feeling of financial stress in the world.

I really like the stat of Engaged viewers. Although its a bit hard to look at in daily stats. Lets shift that to weekly.

Here you can see the same stat but set as weekly. That little bump at the end is where adventure mode got a patch. My viewer interest and traffic directly relates to the development of Dwarf Fortress. Rather unexpectedly I'd say.

Even though engaged viewers are up as we head towards December. Average viewers have actually gone down. I'd point at Caves of Qud and Stalker 2 for this. Starting in September I had a steady 190 average. However, most of November I have been much closer to 175 average.

Here is a stat I should have shown sooner in these posts. This is the Plus program. Active paying subscribers count towards these points. Allowing streamers on twitch to get a higher cut from subscriber revenue. I'm in level two and have the 70/30 cut. I have had a rather steady decrease in overall sub points since august. From roughly June - August I held really steady at 510-520 subscriber points. Since then we have dropped to 468. However, my overall revenue has not changed much. Why is this? My assumption is the change in pricing on Twitch. Channel subscriptions here in Canada went from $4.99 to $7.99. I have also dropped a few of my longer running subscriptions to save extra money from my monthly spending. I feel like a lot of subs to the channel have done the same. Some have also dropped from tier two and three down to tier one. Netting a lower total points count as well.

This is also a bit of an interesting stat. In the last six months my subscriber drop has been steady. Now not all folks who unsubscribe leave a reason. The actual number is a bit closer to 60 every six months. It is something I personally need to keep somewhat steady. The drop since June makes some sense as my birthday is in June. Especially with people focusing more on three and six month intervals it makes sense a lot of people would subscribe and then set it to not renew so that they don't get hit with an unexpected charge.

This is causing me a little bit of stress but nothing abnormal. It has been awhile since there was much excitement around dwarf fortress and major releases that push my channel are infrequent. I'm looking forward to adventure mode releasing properly so development can be more interesting again. Let's hope Qud brings some new faces around as well.
Sorry for the lack of writing here.
Editors note, Hi! Thank you for throwing money at this blog. That is why you are seeing this post. I'm trying to figure out other perks I can offer to those of you funding this platform.
Please leave a comment if you have ideas on the things you'd like to see. Small things that would be worth clicking on an email. I'll attach some blog stats below this note. Thanks as always for reading and I hope to see you in chat or comments this week!